Granted this isn’t as entertaining as How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, but it’s damn sure just as useful! Traveling is the apple of these brown eyes, so getting my passport was vital. Seeing all the videos on Facebook from travel bae’s like Glo had me craving a flight to the unknown. There was just one issue. I had no passport and I’d heard it’d take an arm, leg, 2 bad bitches and a subway cold cut to get it. Let me be clear; I had none of those. Roughly two-thirds of Americans don’t have their golden ticket and these beige cakes weren’t going to continue to be lumped into that group.
So, what did I do? I took action. Google has always been a good friend of mine, and he didn’t let me down as I was looking for items to have on hand.
THE Checklist:

The Infamous Passport Photo:
I absolutely hate my drivers license photo, but somehow I transformed into a bad bitch in my passport photo. So, if there’s hope for me, then there’s hope for you. You can’t even see my double chins in that picture! I walked out of the photo lab with the Cardi B stance.
As you can imagine, you’re to wear neutral clothing colors, casual wear, hair “normal” (whatever that is), etc. Any extra accessories you normally love to flaunt, including your smile, leave them at home. No hats, sunglasses or glasses in general UNLESS they’re prescription. Need specific requirements on what to do and what not to do when taking your picture? Check out the requirement page with all the deets.
Proof of Citizenship:
If you were born in the US, this shouldn’t be too hard. All that’s needed is the original copy of your birth certificate that has a seal certified by the city, state or county where you were born. They won’t accept a photo copy. If this isn’t something you have, you can contact the state you were born in and have them send you one. Keep in mind if you don’t have your proof of citizenship, they may put a little delay in getting your passport. Be sure to not present a “short” version of your birth certificate, as they won’t accept it.
Born in the United States?
· Fully-valid, undamaged U.S. passport (can be expired)
· U.S. birth certificate that meets the following requirements:
· Issued by the city, county, or state of birth
· Lists applicant’s full name, date of birth, and place of birth
· Lists parent(s)’ full names
· Has the signature of the city, county, or state registrar
· Has the date filed with registrar's office (must be within one year of birth)
· Has the seal of issuing authority
Born outside the United States?
· Fully-valid, undamaged U.S. passport (can be expired)
· Certificate of Naturalization
· Certificate of Citizenship
For the Love of Money:
Paying for my passport had me feeling like The O’Jays! I purchased a book and it was a grand total of $215. That’s the application fee mixed with the execution and expedited fee. For a breakdown on cost per age, visit the US Department of State. I had a trip planned and needed a passport within 3 weeks. Granted I was told it’d take 2-3 weeks, I actually got it via mail within 10 days! All I had to do was show proof of my travels and I was all set!
There are other ways and reasons to get an expedited passport, and the US Department of State breaks all this down on the different ways the expedited service could benefit you. If you’re getting a passport, I promise you, this service will be out here saving lives like it’s captain save-a-hoe.
Now, the expedited service is cool and all but that grand total of $215 had me hurting. Why? Because I'm poor. I'm the poorest mothafucka on Sesame Street.
Photo ID:
As we discussed, proof of citizenship is mandatory, but they need more than one form of identification. You’ll need to bring your ID as well as a photocopy of your ID. Check out the requirements needed for primary and secondary identification.
Primary Photo IDs (submit one)
· Valid or expired, undamaged U.S. passport book or passport card
· In-state, fully valid driver's license or enhanced driver's license with photo
· In-state, fully valid learner's permit with photo
· In-state, fully valid non-driver ID with photo
· Temporary driver's license with photo
· Certificate of Naturalization
· Certificate of Citizenship
· Government employee ID (city, county, state, or federal)
· U.S. military or military dependent ID
· Current (valid) foreign passport
· Matricula Consular (Mexican Consular ID) - commonly used by a parent of a U.S. citizen child applicant
· U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) - commonly used by a parent of a U.S. citizen child applicant
· Trusted Traveler IDs (including valid Global Entry, FAST, SENTRI, and NEXUS cards)
· Enhanced Tribal Cards and Native American tribal photo IDs
Secondary IDs (submit at least two from the list below)
· Out-of-state driver's license or enhanced driver's license with photo
· Learner's or temporary driver's permit (without a photo)
· In-state, fully valid non-driver ID (without a photo)
· Out-of-state, non-driver ID
· Temporary driver's license (without a photo)
· Social Security card
· Voter registration card
· Employee work ID
· Student ID
· School yearbook with identifiable photograph
· Selective Service (draft) card
· Medicare or other health card
· Expired driver's license
· Form DS-71, for an Identifying Witness (only available at your local Acceptance Facility or a Passport Agency).
So, now that we’ve broken down all items needed in it’s entirety, all that’s needed now is the DS-11 form. Go through the list on there and pick out the right one for you. Fill it out and be sure to have ALL items listed in this article. Go prepared so that you won’t have to go back a second time. The wait is long on the day you go, so having to go through that again because you lacked a document will suck the biggest set of balls. With that being said, take all those documents and head to your nearest Passport Acceptance Facility!
Last but not least, to be clear, expedite that bih! Get your passport as soon as possible with this stellar service. It helped me, so it’ll definitely help you.
Now, ready, set, TRAVEL!
